
water fountains, blocky heads and cow hides oh my!

Dave went into Brandon with me on Tuesday. The plan was drop off some stuff at a friends house. Go to mall. Go to bank. Go to massage. Come home.

Dave really likes the water fountains at the mall. 
and the statues..
and forever 21... that's my boy!
and abercrombie and fitch. Dave, unlike Molly (my first pup, who is now almost 6 years old!) didn't care about the black floors. When Molly *attempted* to enter the store, she completely stopped once the tile floor turned to a shiny black wood. We are taught as puppy raisers, not to force our pups into situations they are uncomfortable with. So mom sat outside the store with Molly, while I did my shopping.
and of course we had to visit build a bear!
On our way to my massage, we found a perfectly named street....
Dave did great (great meaning, he slept...it was his naptime anyway :) during my massage.

Two nice ladies stopped us to say how beautiful (yes, I know thank you) Dave was. They must have tiny dogs because they thought Dave's head was huge and blocky (really? I know Dave's smart, but his brains aren't that big! :)

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Our busy Tuesday wasn't over yet. We still had a puppy meeting at IKEA.
IKEA has loads of exposures for the dogs. (hence the cow hides!) Bentley, Randy, Marge and Dave did great throughout IKEA. With no accidents might I add.
If Dave makes the guide dog cut, I'm pretty sure one of his favorite new things to do will be escalators! Puppy raisers are not allowed to take the pups on escalators. That is something the trainers teach. Dave is always very excited to see the escalators... Dave loves stairs, so I guess moving stairs are even better in his eyes!

Our group was very happy to hear that two new puppy raisers who have been waiting a while for a puppy, will soon have their arms filled! We are happy to say that Jerry a Chocolate Lab and Tango a Golden Retriever will be joining our group!
Gabby, puppy raiser for Jerry, handled Dave for most of the meeting. Gabby is doing better and better!
 I think my next purchase will be a better camera
Towards the end of the store, Dave found the cow hides. What was going through his mind, I have no idea.
Dave would have happily rolled in them if he was allowed!

Good job Dave-man.

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