
Dave's first day

Dave is an awesome pup! He slept SO good last night (only getting up three times)... and is sleeping in his crate as I type, waiting for me to shut the lights out!

Plus, he hasn't had an accident yet...-knock on wood- so the dog towels have remained on there rightful shelf.

Dave woke up this morning very happy to see everyone. Including our little friend Evan!

Dave loves his food. I mean LOVES it. He knows the "food door" as we have dubbed it. We keep the dog food in air-tight bins in the garage, so anytime someone goes out the door, he expectantly looks for said person to come in with his bowl of dog food. Little pig.

So going back to yesterday afternoon, when we were getting ready to leave the house to go pick up little Dave, we locked ourselves out of the house and car. Nope, no spare key either. Thankfully, somebody forgot to lock their window so we were able to sneak inside and grab mom's key ring. Whew...
So flash forward to last night, mom and dad took Dave out to Home Depot to have some spare keys made :) Dave ended up walking throughout the store... way to go little man!

Today, Dave went to gymnastics to meet a family who sponsored us in the Walk-A-Thon. They are such a sweet family with very talented girls!!

Dave of course had to meet Coach Bruce, the all-time dog lover!!

^Ladies and gentleman, ^that^ is what I get for purchasing a reflecting leash^

My sister Kaitlyn and I took Dave to the vet today for some shots and his first visit. He was such a good boy! We weighed him, 18.8 pounds. He's the perfect size!
 He also made the receptionists heart melt...

He waited patiently (patiently being he fell asleep on my arm...) for the vet to come in...

After sharing Dave's name story with the vet who knew Dave Kelly and his dogs, the vet was more then happy to get a picture with our sweet boy!

Alright little guy you've had your shots, you've played hard, had a busy day, 
let's sleep as good as last night okay? Okay.


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